What Is Atma Bodha(Self-Realization)?
Vedic Philosophy
The ultimate reality or truth, which is beyond form and non-form, real and illusion, dual and non-dual. You can call it Ishwara, Brahman, God, Father, Allaha or the One. It has many names and forms. It is the one complete reality.

Vedas reveal the eternal truths of existence and non-existence, they are the oldest One. Vedas are not just religious texts or scriptures, they are eternal. Vedas reveals the nature of the world, from creation to its end Vedas explains the truth by knowledge(Jnana) and by Action(Karma). But they are not easy to understand, they are living truths which sings in the form of poems, stories, suktas, hymns, shlokas, and various mantras. Vedas are the precursor and Vedanta is the product. Vedanta is revealed through self-realization or Atmabodha.
Atmabodha is a Vedic Sanskrit term which means self-realization and elaborately illuminated by the great Indian saint Adi Guru Sankaracharya. He wrote a mystical composition named “Atmabodha” which explains the truth of self-knowledge to realize the true self, the absolute truth.
Atmabodha is not just a spiritual notion but a spiritual guide to realizing the true knowledge of self. Knowledge is power and self-knowledge is the true power of being. Atmabodha – the knowledge of self is the true knowledge to realize the absolute truth of conscious bliss the experience of “Sat-Cit-Ananda” State. Yoga is a way to reach the state of Atmabodha.
Western Philosophy
Western philosophy which is more based on the external world and reality. In western philosophical & psychological wisdom also the concept of self-realization mentioned as the highest level of need in the human hierarchy of need.

As per the Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs the self-realization or self-actualization(the term Maslow coined after some time it replaced by the self-transcendence) is the highest need of human being.
As you realized yourself than the expression of your full potential can be experienced which leads to complete & content life.
About Us​
Yoga & Meditation are the most effective ways of self-realization. Yoga & Meditation are some of the oldest practices to purify your mind, body & soul on this planet. It is scientifically also proven that Yoga & Meditation helps to balance life in all aspects and make it content, healthy & blissful.
At Atmabodha.com we have a mission to offer this ancient wisdom of Yoga & Meditation for the good health & wellness of human beings.
Online Spiritual Counselor

Atmabodha.com has a mission for the people who are looking to gain inner peace, strength & energy via spiritual-scientific methods like Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Alternative medication & other health practices, etc. Atmabodha.com offer free spiritual counseling which helps you to attain the great mental health, happy life, balanced lifestyle and knowledge of the true self to gain success & bliss in life. We help to full fill the highest need of the human being i.e. Self-realization or Self-actualization. Atmabodha.com is a fountain of spiritual wisdom & knowledge that spreads the spiritual awareness for the attainment of self-realization. We also offer an online spiritual counselor for taking away your miseries, pain, sufferings, fears, depression, anxiety, etc.
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