Students can learn the Ashtanga Vinyasa system through in-depth classes and seminars at Tattvaa Yogashala, the first and oldest Ashtanga yoga school in Rishikesh.
Over 10,000 students have graduated from our programmes globally.
Tattvaa Yogashala has significantly contributed to the globalisation of the practise of yoga by gradating more than 10,000 students.
Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga
The classic Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training practises are taught, taking into account the student's history and keeping in mind that they retain their value and worth in the modern lifestyle.
Intermediate Ashtanga Yoga Series
To enrol in our physically demanding Ashtanga yoga teacher training programme, you must have been doing the primary series asanas and sequences for at least three months.
Training in Hatha Yoga Teachar
Beginner to intermediate level yoga practitioners who desire to advance their individual practise and become yoga instructors should enrol in a hatha yoga teacher training programme.
Our Services Contain:
Yoga Teacher Training for 200 Hours
Yoga Teacher Training for 300 Hours
Yoga Teacher Training for 500 Hours