Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Nataraja Center, Delhi

The Sivananda training system aims to retain the vitality of the body and decrease chance of disease by simply and naturally cultivating the body and mind of the practitioner. Sivananda Yoga class is a traditional, slow paced, meditative class that helps encourage proper breathing, flexibility, strength and vitality in the body while calming the mind. Because Yoga is a spiritual system with a physical component, this non-competitive approach helps the practitioner gain much more than just a healthy body. A typical open class includes pranayama (breathing exercises), warm-up including Sun Salutations, 12 basic asanas (yoga postures) with relaxation between postures, and finally, deep relaxation based on the 5 principles of Yoga. Total beginners are welcome, as are more advanced practitioners. The teacher will modify the postures to suit your level.

A-41, Kailash Colony New Delhi, Delhi
ZIP Code

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