Social Laws Follower

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LifeWe all are living a same life and moving in a vicious circle. Somehow the life we are living is programmed, polished and scripted by the social laws. Now what is these social laws? The laws which are basically meant to take out the freedom of our mind, thoughts and action. You will only follow these laws a live an esteemed life given by the society. I am not sure the life you and we are living is our own life. It is created and scripted by the society. All social laws start with negation. Let’s watch this video on the social laws.
Why these social laws created by the super social elements (I believes these are super social elements whose are supreme of social world) of the society? Its only and only for having a FEAR inside the human being. Every action, every thought, and every idea of human being derive by fear only you can’t be free in fear.
Society want you to be live in fear. We are nothing but just a working model of fear. We have nothing inside us except fear. Only Atmabodha is the one who is away from any fear and bondage.