Idea for the Death
Hotei the Zen Master he was just on his deathbed, and he asked his disciples, ”Can somebody suggest to me a way to die which has never happened before? – because I don’t want to die in the ordinary and common way. … Continued
Hotei the Zen Master he was just on his deathbed, and he asked his disciples, ”Can somebody suggest to me a way to die which has never happened before? – because I don’t want to die in the ordinary and common way. … Continued
THE ARRIVAL On a visit to the East Coast, Suzuki Roshi arrived at the meeting place of the Cambridge Buddhist Society to find everyone scrubbing down the interior in anticipation of his visit. They were surprised to see him, because … Continued
On one occasion Hyakujo said, ”if we are attached to a viewpoint that we are naturally the Buddhas and that we are in Zen Buddhism because we are originally pure and enlightened, we are among non-Buddhists who deny Causality.” At … Continued
This is a beautiful Zen Story. When he was with Kyozan, ryusen was the monk in charge of food. One day a strange monk came and asked for a meal, at which Ryusen gave him part of his own. Kyozan … Continued