Nowadays, life is changing so fast. It seems unimaginable in itself, something which we had not even imagined till twenty years ago, it is sitting like truth in front of us today. In today’s time, science and technology have given everything to humans, that was once a subject of imagination is now a reality. With the changing time, there has been a lot of things happened in our lifestyles too. Science and technology have brought many drastic changes to our lifestyles. Now life has become much easier than before, all kinds of comforts and facilities are available in these times, these amenities have made life easier, but along with them there are many side effects comes which we have now seen too. As technology evolves in forms of mobile phones, computers, the internet, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, etc. are meant to make human life easy and comfortable but uncontrolled use of technology has its side effects also on our physical and mental health as well. With technological and industrial progress there is a huge shift in nature and its environment in a negative also, like we are observing day by day there is a change in the level of pollution in all forms of nature like air, water, earth, etc which profoundly effect on our mental and physical health.
Stress is one of the effects that we are facing these days. Nowadays, stress is emerging as a disease that is spreading like a virus in society. Nowadays this disease is spreading not among young people only, but the children are also affected severely by this stress. Now the stress becomes a part of your lifestyle, work burden, changing lifestyles, and shifting climatic conditions are the main reason for this disease. This disease gives rise to many more diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure. Etc.
According to one data of WHO, every 2 seconds in the world 6 people die due to stress. But human always looking for a shortcut to deal with these issues people start using drugs like cigarette, alcohol, etc. to get rid of stress, they believe that for a short time they can get rid of this problem but these drugs rather than a reliever become a creator of new behavior changes like addiction, drug abuse, etc. How to deal with stress without getting dependent on drugs or medicines. These problems were present in ancient times but in a different form, our ancient sages discover and spread the wisdom of Yoga to win over all the life problems and issues.
Yoga is an ancient scientific practice that has been practicing in India for centuries, there is no doubt that Yoga is an invaluable gift of India to this world. Our sages and monks have kept this method alive and have spread this wisdom worldwide. Yoga has given us a new direction to live our life. There is no doubt to say that Yoga is a panacea that not only heals many diseases but also transforms your body & mind toward a blissful and peaceful life.
Many of our yoga texts such as Shiva Samhita, Hatha Pradeepika, Patanjali Yoga-Sutra, etc. share the wisdom about the science of yoga and explain about various body postures, breathing techniques and energy centers, etc. which are quite beneficial to remove the negative energy of stress and anxiety.
Shavasana – As the name of this asana is called Shavasana which is practiced by lying down like a corpse, this asana is quite beneficial for calming the mind, removing mental and physical fatigue. Practicing this asana increases the efficiency of the brain. This relieves headaches and insomnia. You can practice Shavasana for 1 to 2 minutes to 20 minutes. Shavasan can be done by any age of people.
Method of Practice: –
To practice this posture, first of all, lie down on a flat and clean place by lying on the back. Keep a gap of about one and a half feet in both your legs. Keep the palms facing upwards and the two hands at the waist. Your head should remain straight, you can keep a very thin pillow under your head for this(if you want).
Now to make the body relaxed, leave all the limbs loose and close the eyes. Keep in mind that while breathing, no part of the body should be moved, you have to keep the body in the same way as a dead body. Take a deep breath, inhale, and exhale slowly. If thoughts come to mind, just watch them, but not connected to it. In a short time, you will start to feel and experience inner peace and a relaxed body. Stay in this posture for some time.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama – Anulom Vilom is a pulse purification pranayama It is a process of breathing that helps to clear these negative energy channels and thus relaxes the mind. People of all ages can do this pranayama.

Method of Anulom Vilom Pranayama:
Sit comfortably, leaving your spine straight and shoulders loose. Put a soft smile on your face. Place your left hand on the left knee, the palm open towards the sky, or in a chin pose. (Thumb and index finger lightly touched). Place the index finger and middle finger between the two eyebrows, the ring finger and the little finger on the left nostril of the nose, and the thumb on the right nostril. To open and close the left nostril we will use the ring finger and the little finger and the thumb for the right nostril. Gently exhale through the left nostril by pressing your thumb gently on the right nostril. Now breathe through the left nostril and then press the left nostril gently with the ring finger and little finger. Open the right thumb from the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Breathe in from the right nostril and exhale from the left side. Now you have completed one round of Anulom Vilom Pranayama. Continue to inhale and exhale from nose to nose. In this way, take 9 rounds of breath through both nostrils alternately. After every breath, remember that the same nasal breath has been inhaled. Keep your eyes closed completely and continue to breathe long, deep, and comfortable without any pressure or effort.