master thief

Master Thief

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This is an ancient Zen story.

A man was known as a master thief, because he had never been caught in his life, and he had stolen from every palace, from every rich house. In fact the situation had come to such a point that people bragged about it – that the master thief has entered in their house.

This master thief met Rinzai, who looked into his eyes and said, ”Don’t be worried. Whatever you are doing, do it totally, and you are expressing buddha-nature.”
But the man said, ”You don’t know what I am doing.”
He said, ”Don’t bother. Whatever you are doing … I know you – you are a master thief. I am really jealous of you. I am not such a great master as far as meditation is concerned. You are a greater master as far as stealing is concerned. Just do it totally, and you will find your buddhahood in your totality.