Never Give Up Miracles Happen Everyday

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Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be a sunshine.

 –Jack Ma


It happens many times in our life we don’t know that we are sitting on the treasure but we give up our efforts as things getting tough. We become hopeless and despair in our search.

I would like to share a story of a fisherman who was so poor that he doesn’t have any money not even fishes to feed his family. Every day he goes to the pond for the fish hunting but comes empty handed. Due to heavy summer of the season in his village, the fishes in the village’s pond reduced drastically. He was full of grief & despair. So, he has decided today will his last day of fishing if he is not able to catch any fish today he will move to the city for the job hunt. So, early morning, before sunrise, he went to a river. On the bank, he felt something underfoot and found it to be a small sack of stones. He picked up the sack and putting his net aside, squatted on the bank to await the sunrise. He was waiting for dawn to break in order to start his day’s work. Lazily he picked a stone out of the bag and threw it into the water. Then he cast another stone and then another. In the absence of anything else to do, he kept tossing the stones into the water, one by one.

Slowly the sun rose and it became light. By that time he had thrown all the stones away except one; the last stone lay in his palm. His heart almost failed him when he saw, by daylight, what he held in his hand. It was a gem! In the darkness, he had thrown a whole sack of them away! What had he lost unknowingly! Full of remorse, he cursed himself. He sobbed and cried, almost out of his mind with grief. He had accidentally stumbled upon enough wealth to enrich his life many times over, but unknowingly, and in the darkness, he had lost it. Yet in a way he was fortunate: still, one gem was left; the light had dawned before he had thrown it away too. He dipped in the pond and collects the other stones from the ponds.

Generally, most people are not even having any idea that they have reached toward the fortune but at last minute they become hopeless and give up their good fortune.

So, Never Give Up Miracles Happen Every day.