The Awakening.
Self realization or Atmabodha is the spiritual awakening of an individual to the deepest, innermost truth of their existence. It is an awakening to the realization that each of us is an integral part of the divine, the source of all that is, the source of all love and compassion, and the source of all that is good in the world. Self realization is a profound journey of inner transformation, and a realization of one’s true, higher identity.
The Journey.
The journey of self realization begins with a heightened awareness of the true nature of reality. It is a journey of self-discovery, of learning to look within and come to terms with oneself. This journey involves a deep exploration of one’s beliefs, values, and attitudes, and a re-evaluation of how these shape one’s life. It is a process of questioning and challenging one’s limited perspectives and assumptions, and ultimately, a process of learning to see the world from a much larger, more expansive perspective.

The Path.
As one progresses on the journey of self realization, one begins to become more aware of the interconnectedness between all of life. This awareness leads to a greater understanding of the interdependence between all of us, and a greater appreciation for the beauty and wonders of the world. It is a recognition that all of life is interconnected, and that each of us has a unique role to play in the grand scheme of things.
The Divine Manifestation.
Self realization also involves a deepening of one’s spiritual connection. As one becomes more aware of their true nature and purpose, they begin to develop a greater appreciation for the spiritual aspects of life. They recognize the power of prayer and meditation, and the importance of connecting with a higher power. This connection can bring a profound sense of inner peace and contentment, as well as a greater understanding of the divine force at work in the universe.

From Self to Realization.
Finally, self realization is a journey of transformation. As one’s spiritual awareness grows, so does their capacity for love and compassion. As one learns to be present to the beauty and mystery of life, they become more open to the possibilities of life, and begin to live with greater purpose and meaning. Self realization is a journey of transformation that leads to a greater understanding of the divine and a deeper connection with the source of all that is.