Matter of Time
Buddha told of one of his previous lives. He said, ”I was an ignorant person in my previous life. A wise person had attained enlightenment, so I went to see him. I bowed down to touch his feet in reverence. But no … Continued
Buddha told of one of his previous lives. He said, ”I was an ignorant person in my previous life. A wise person had attained enlightenment, so I went to see him. I bowed down to touch his feet in reverence. But no … Continued
While residing at Isipatana Wood, the Buddha spoke these verses, with reference to Nandiya. The story goes that at Benàres there lived a youth named Nandiya, son of a family endowed with faith. He was all that his mother and father wished … Continued
Once a man, a great criminal, a murderer, a sinner, came to be initiated by Buddha. When he came he was afraid that people might not allow him entry, the disciples might not allow him to see Buddha. So he came at … Continued
Once, the Buddha accompanied by some monks entered the town of Sàketa for alms-food. The old bràhmin, seeing the Buddha, went to him and said, “O son, why have you not allowed us to see you all this long time? Come with me … Continued
On a certain day, while the Buddha was in residence at the Pipphali Cave, he made his round of Rajagaha for alms and after he had returned from his round for alms and had eaten his breakfast, he sat down and using psychic … Continued