Conscious Death
Conscious death is when you are dying and still your mind at the high level of consciousness. The beautiful example of this when Socrates was given a poison as a death sentence. And the day he was given poison is … Continued
Conscious death is when you are dying and still your mind at the high level of consciousness. The beautiful example of this when Socrates was given a poison as a death sentence. And the day he was given poison is … Continued
It is an ancient enlighten story; there was a great king, and he was going to die. Death came and knocked on the door. King opened the door and he said, ”What? I have lived for only a hundred years, … Continued
This is very enlighten story about the state of deathlessness from Dhammapada. Kisàgotami was the daughter of a rich man from Sàvatthi; she was known as Kisàgotami because of her slim body. Kisàgotami was married to a rich young man and … Continued