Finding the Master
There was a mystic Master and he lived on top of the hill, but he had one follower. The follower cooks food for him and would bring it to the hill, and he used to live five miles away from … Continued
There was a mystic Master and he lived on top of the hill, but he had one follower. The follower cooks food for him and would bring it to the hill, and he used to live five miles away from … Continued
On a certain date, there was a simpletons’ festival celebrated in ancient Indian city Shravasti, and on the occasion of this foolish holiday, folk used to smear their bodies with ashes and cow-dung and for a period of seven days … Continued
Conscious death is when you are dying and still your mind at the high level of consciousness. The beautiful example of this when Socrates was given a poison as a death sentence. And the day he was given poison is … Continued
“As you sow the seed so shall you reap the fruit.” is the nature of Karma. It is well illustrated in the below Buddha story. On one occasion King Pasenadi of Kosala approached the Buddha and said: “Lord, here in Sāvatthi a … Continued
Srimad Bhagavad Gita – Revelation of Universal & Eternal Truths of Life. Sri Bhagavad Gita is a 5000 yr old discourses of Lord Krishna to Arjun from the epic Mahabharata. It is not just a religious or spiritual book, it is a … Continued