Silent Debate
This is a beautiful Zen story. There is an old tradition in some Japanese Zen temples that if a wandering monk can win an argument about Buddhism with one of the resident monks, he can stay the night. If not, he has … Continued
This is a beautiful Zen story. There is an old tradition in some Japanese Zen temples that if a wandering monk can win an argument about Buddhism with one of the resident monks, he can stay the night. If not, he has … Continued
The feeling of “I” create a sense of Ego. Ego how it create & where it is in you. It is very well answered in this inspiring Zen story. The well-revered monk Nagsen was sent for by the Emperor Malind, … Continued
Who was Buddha? There are lots of conception & misconception about Buddha. For some he is was a god, for some he was an enlightened one, for some he was an angel from heaven or For some he was just … Continued